вторник, 26 октября 2010 г.



1)      формализованное представление целенаправленных действий людей в виде блок-схемы операций;

2)      (исторически) элемент описания деятельности при проектировании автоматизированных систем управления для предприятия (более ранние именования – диаграмма операций, деловая процедура, схема Тейлора);

3)      вне контекста автоматизированных систем управления – смысла не имеет: в реальной жизни каждое прохождение бизнес-процесса уникально;

4)      увлечение бизнес-процессами неизбежно приводит к бюрократизации управления, поэтому это увлечение должно ограничиваться такими областями, которые и сами по себе формальны и бюрократичны по существу (отдел кадров, бухгалтерия, канцелярия).

воскресенье, 17 октября 2010 г.

System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R3


Configuration Manager 2007 R3 provides a set of tools that enable the site administrator to manage and monitor the power consumption of computers in the enterprise. Configuration Manager 2007 R3 features improvements to operating system deployment for pre-staging boot image and .wim files. Configuration Manager 2007 R3 introduces Active Directory delta discovery, dynamic collection evaluation and administrator console improvements that improve the scale and performance of Configuration Manager 2007.

The following features are new to Configuration Manager 2007 R3.

  • Power Management: Provides a set of tools that enable the site administrator to configure standard Windows power settings across computers and monitor power consumption and computer activity.
  • Operating System Deployment Improvements: Provides pre-staging of boot images and Windows Imaging Format (.wim) files on new computers that enables the administrator to apply a task sequence to the device that can use the pre-staged media.
  • Dynamic Collection Evaluation: Enables you to rapidly evaluate a collection membership by adding only newly discovered resources.
  • Active Directory Delta Discovery: Performs an intermediate discovery cycle that adds only new resources to the Configuration Manager 2007 database.
  • Simplified Resource Management: Enables you to search for and add resources to a specified collection.
  • Desired Configuration Management: Enables you to create a collection of compliant or noncompliant computers in desired configuration management.
  • Higher Number of Supported Clients Per Hierarchy: Configuration Manager 2007 R3 supports up to 300,000 clients per hierarchy when it uses the default settings for all Configuration Manager 2007 features. This increase in supported clients is the result of improvements to the Active Directory synchronization and Collection Evaluation processes

System Requirements

  • Supported Operating Systems:Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard Edition (32-bit x86);Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2;Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 x64 Edition;Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition (32-bit x86);Windows Server 2003, Enterprise x64 Edition;Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition (32-bit x86);Windows Server 2003, Standard x64 Edition;Windows Server 2008;Windows Server 2008 Datacenter;Windows Server 2008 Enterprise;Windows Server 2008 R2;Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter;Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise;Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1;Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard;Windows Server 2008 Service Pack 2;Windows Vista Business;Windows Vista Enterprise 64-bit edition;Windows Vista Service Pack 1;Windows Vista Service Pack 2;Windows Vista Ultimate;Windows XP Service Pack 3

    Please see
Configuration Manager 2007 R3 Supported Configurations for detailed requirements
  • Other Software: System Center Configuration Manager 2007 SP2. 


Please Note: SC Configuration Manager 2007 R3 Evaluation will only install on the System Center Configuration Manager SP2 Evaluation product.

Posted via email from contributor's posterous

среда, 13 октября 2010 г.

Как размножаются кактусы

Мышки много лет выращивали траву, но она всё время получалась у них какая-то невкусная. В конце концов они решили обратиться за помощью к ёжикам. Ёжики сильно обрадовались: да мы вам обалденную траву вырастим: и вкусную, и красивую, и урожайную! Начали готовить контракт и видят ёжики, что мышки траву на песке выращивают. Тут энтузиазма сразу поубавилось, стали ёжики с мышками разговаривать: а не поискать ли нам другую землю, а какие качества травы вам наиболее важны? Ничего, сказали мышки, мы же раньше как-то выращивали, а другая земля не предусмотрена нашими корпоративными стандартами. Ладно, сказали ёжики, деньги в принципе хорошие, как-нибудь прорвёмся — давайте заключать контракт, но нужно будет сделать систему орошения. «А это для нас делают зайчики, они наши старые партнёры, не беспокойтесь!» — ответили мышки.

Контракт подписали, стали ёжики работать. И видят, что системы орошения на самом деле нет, а просто вода гоняется по кругу по трубам, а там где трубы прохудились, там лужа. Контракт разрывать никому не хочется, решили попробовать посадить разных травок, посмотреть что приживётся.
Выросли только кактусы...

А потом мышки ещё длительное время кололись и плакали, но продолжали жрать кактусы...

Posted via email from contributor's posterous

среда, 15 сентября 2010 г.

Posterous: tags

You might have noticed the recent new feature on posterous which gives you the option of adding 'Tags' to your blog posts.

Tags serve a variety of purposes. I thought of listing down a few that come to my mind:

1. Helps your visitors to check posts of particular interest thus serving as 'categories'

2. Helps you in gaining a few more clicks by having better chances of turning up on search results since tags have their own url. So, be sure to tag your posts with relevant keywords. They really do help in getting search engine traffic. Although currently we cannot analyze these things, I'm pretty sure the folks at posterous would provide some way of traffic analysis to us (may be by way of a tie up with google analytics, sounds interesting?)

3. If you blog on more than one niche, you can use tags to post links related to a particular niche on other similar blogs, forums etc.

So go ahead, put up some relevant tags to all your posts, old and new. You can add tags to the posts that you email by writing the tags in the 'subject:' as ((tag: nischal, posterous)). So if the title of your post is 'Tags in posterous' and you need to add two tags to the post named 'categories' and 'Make your posterous better', then your subject line would look like:

Subject: Tags in posterous ((tag: categories, Make your posterous better))

If you know of anymore uses of 'Tags' then feel free to list them in the comments.

  • http://posterous.com/explore/tag/systemcenter
  • http://posterous.com/explore/tag/microsoft
  • http://posterous.com/explore/tag/opalis
  • http://posterous.com/explore/tag/windows
  • http://posterous.com/explore/tag/servicemanager
  • http://posterous.com/explore/tag/hp
  • http://posterous.com/explore/tag/configurationmanager
  • http://posterous.com/explore/tag/operationsmanager
  • http://posterous.com/explore/tag/ca
  • http://posterous.com/explore/tag/hpovo
  • http://posterous.com/explore/tag/bmc
  • http://posterous.com/explore/tag/hpopenview
  • http://posterous.com/explore/tag/unix
  • http://posterous.com/explore/tag/applicationvirtualization
  • http://posterous.com/explore/tag/hpopenviewoperations
  • http://posterous.com/explore/tag/ibm
  • http://posterous.com/explore/tag/servicedesk
  • http://posterous.com/explore/tag/tivoli
  • http://posterous.com/explore/tag/quest
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  • http://posterous.com/explore/tag/unicenter
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  • Posted via email from contributor's posterous

    Зачем мне нужен Eventr и что я могу тут делать?

    Eventr – это сервис быстрого получения информации с Интернета и от других людей и обмена ею с теми, кто близок вам по интересам.

    1. Удобно просматривать новые события. Eventr в удобном виде дает краткое описание новой информации, появившейся на разных сайтах. Вы можете быстро узнавать, что нового появилось за последнее время в Интернете, а также что интересного читают и обсуждают люди, у которых общие с вами интересы.
    2. Не отрываясь от чтения, делиться интересным с другими. В Eventr, просматривая новости  с сайтов и от людей, можно в два клика сохранять самые интересные записи в свой поток. Чтобы поделиться с кем-то информацией, необязательно писать самому – достаточно нажать кнопку «Репост». У потока есть личный адрес (http://eventr.com/platforma2k) и его, как блог могут читать ваши друзья и люди, которым вы интересны.
    3. Писать, постить фото, музыку и видео. В Eventr можно постить записи, фото, музыку и видео. Это просто и удобно. Принципиальное отличие Eventr от других блогов – с одной стороны, возможность получать информацию с разных источников, а с другой – тут же делиться ею с другими и создавать свою.

    Posted via email from contributor's posterous

    среда, 1 сентября 2010 г.

    Management Xtensions for Device Management – Configuration Manager

    Расширяет использование System Center Configuration Manager 2007

    Краткий обзор продукта:

    System Center Configuration Manager 2007 (Configuration Manager) является идеальным средством для управления изменением и конфигурацией систем на основе Windows. Однако, сам по себе Configuration Manager не предоставляет возможности управления изменениями и конфигурацией для не-Windows систем. Благодаря Quest® Management Xtensions for Device Management (QMX for Device Management) организации со сложными ИТ-средами могут распространить свойства  Configuration Manager с домена Windows на более чем 115 не-Windows систем и устройств, таких как  UNIX, Linux, Mac OS X, AS400, сетевые устройства, устройства хранения и другие.

    • Извлекает максимальную пользу из Ваших капиталовложений в Configuration Manager.
    • Централизует и стандартизует управление изменениями и конфигурацией в Windows и не-Windows системах.
    • Удаленное использование для не-Windows систем и устройств  через 115+ расширений.
    • Обеспечивает штатную интеграцию в инфраструктуру Configuration Manager.
    • Снижает расходы и сложность управления разными системами и приложениями. 

    Причины приобретения продукта клиентами

    Когда организации требуется:

    • Консолидировать и интегрировать управление изменениями, конфигурацией и модернизацией системы для Windows и не-Windows систем.
    • Осуществить стандартизацию на единой, централизованной инфраструктуре управления для всей гетерогенной корпорации. 
    • Идентифицировать все сетевые ресурсы для  управления учетными записями или инициатив по обеспечению совместимости.  
    • Снизить объем ручной работы, необходимой для распространения приложений или патчей, чтобы поддерживать соответствующий уровень систем.

    Типичный пользователь

    • ИТ-специалисты средних и крупных глобальных организаций (с количеством служащих 500 и более), которые развернули или развертывают Configuration Manager, и имеют гетерогенную среду (включая не-Windows системы и устройства, такие как UNIX, Linux, VMware, Mac OS X, AS400, сетевые устройства, устройства хранения и др.)
    • Организации, которые сделали инвестиции в разные средства управления от таких производителей, как: Avocent/LANDesk, Symantec/Altiris и CA.

    Преимущества продукта

    • Централизует обзор и контроль всей ИТ-инфраструктуры, используя одну, централизованную консоль.
    • Управляет и сообщает о конфигурации серверов, клиентов, приложений и устройств  во всей корпорации, включая серверы и клиенты Windows, Unix, Linux, VMware ESX и Mac OS X.
    • Отслеживает все сетевые ресурсы для поддержания соответствия систем. 
    • Снижает затраты за счет устранения лишних, неинтегрированных средств и задач.  
    • Предотвращает наказания за невыполнение требований совместимости и безопасности.

    Отличительные особенности продукта Quest

    • QMX штатно интегрируется в существующую инфраструктуру Configuration Manager – дополнительная инфраструктура, консоли или обучение персонала не требуются.
    • Распространяет возможности Configuration Manager на системы Unix, Linux, VMware и Mac OS X systems
    • Стандартная реализация на Unix/Linux/VMware/Mac OS обеспечивает максимальную масштабируемость и надежность без дополнительных затрат. 
    • Системы Unix/Linux/VMware/Mac OS X работают как Configuration Manager Advanced Clients.

    Дополнительные подробности приобретения

    • Имеется для SCCM 2003 и SCCM 2007
    • Требования к поддержке и профессиональному обслуживанию: Нет
    • Стоимость приобретения продукта: Оплата за каждый контролируемый узел.
    • Минимальные требования при приобретении: 10 контролируемых узлов

    Posted via email from contributor's posterous

    Management Xtensions - Configuration Manager

    Распространяет возможности System Center Configuration Manager 2007 на системы Unix, Linux, VMware и Mac OS X Systems

    Краткий обзор продукта:

    Большинство организаций имеют сложные ИТ-среды с массивами систем Windows, Unix, Linux, Macintosh, VMware и др., предназначенных для определенных потребностей предприятия. Обслуживание и поддержка этих систем могут быть дорогостоящими и сложными. ИТ-администраторы должны управлять изменениями конфигурации, модернизациями систем и задачами развертывания, используя специфичные инструменты конкретной платформы, которые зачастую несопоставимы с другими используемыми инструментами.  

    System Center Configuration Manager 2007 (Configuration Manager) является идеальным решением для управления изменениями и конфигурациями систем на основе Windows, но что делать с не- Windows системами? Благодаря Quest® Management Xtensions - Configuration Manager 2007 Edition (QMX for Configuration Manager), организации с кросс-платформенными средами могут использовать возможности управления Configuration Manager в не-Windows системах, таких как SUSE, RedHat, Solaris, HPUX, AIX, VMware, Mac OSX, CentOS и другие.

    Причины приобретения продукта клиентами

    Когда организации требуется:

    • Консолидировать и интегрировать управление изменениями, конфигурацией и модернизацией системы для Windows и не-Windows систем.
    • Осуществить стандартизацию на единой, централизованной инфраструктуре управления для всей гетерогенной корпорации.
    • Идентифицировать все сетевые ресурсы для  управления учетными записями или инициатив по обеспечению совместимости.  
    • Снизить объем ручной работы, необходимой для распространения приложений или патчей, чтобы поддерживать соответствующий уровень систем.  

    Типичный пользователь

    • ИТ-специалисты средних и крупных глобальных организаций (с количеством служащих 500 и более), которые развернули или развертывают Configuration Manager, и имеют гетерогенную среду, как с Windows, так и с SUSE, RedHat, Solaris, HPUX, AIX, VMware, Mac OSX, CentOS и др.
    • Организации, которые сделали инвестиции в разные средства управления от таких производителей, как: Avocent/LANDesk, Symantec/Altiris и CA.

    Преимущества продукта

    • Централизует обзор и контроль всей ИТ-инфраструктуры, используя одну, централизованную консоль.
    • Управляет и сообщает о конфигурации серверов, клиентов, приложений и устройств по всей корпорации, включая Windows, штатные агентские расширения для SUSE, RedHat, Solaris, HPUX, AIX, VMware, Mac OSX, CentOS и других, серверы и клиенты Unix, Linux, VMware ESX, и Mac OS X. 
    • Отслеживает все сетевые ресурсы для поддержания соответствия систем.
    • Снижает затраты за счет устранения лишних, неинтегрированных средств и задач. 
    • Предотвращает наказания за невыполнение требований совместимости и безопасности. 

    Отличительные особенности продукта Quest

    • QMX штатно интегрируется в существующую инфраструктуру Configuration Manager – дополнительная инфраструктура, консоли или обучение персонала не требуются. 
    • Распространяет возможности Configuration Manager на SUSE, RedHat, Solaris, HPUX, AIX, VMware, Mac OSX, CentOS и другие.
    • Стандартная реализация на Unix/Linux/VMware/Mac OS обеспечивает максимальную масштабируемость и надежность без дополнительных затрат. 
    • Системы Unix/Linux/VMware/Mac OS X работают как Configuration Manager Advanced Clients.

    четверг, 22 июля 2010 г.

    Service Manager Authoring Tool Help

    Service Manager Authoring Tool Help

    System Center Service Manager Authoring Tool help provides procedural information about how to use the Authoring Tool to customize System Center Service Manager 2010. The System Center Service Manager Authoring Tool is a tool that lets you open an existing management pack so that you can view, customize, and extend it. The Authoring Tool also lets you create new Service Manager management packs. By authoring management packs, you can customize features of Service Manager.

    After you modify or create a management pack, you must save it, and then import it into Service Manager.

    This documentation does not provide extensive conceptual guidance. For more information about using management packs and other Service Manager authoring topics, see the Service Manager Authoring Guide (http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=189438).

    Welcome to the Compliance and Risk Process Management Pack Help

    The Compliance and Risk Process Management Pack is designed to help your organization automate end-to-end compliance management. The Management Pack extends Microsoft Systems Center Service Manager 2010 Beta 2 with several new features that allow customers to do the following:

    • Accelerate creating compliance and risk programs from industry standard knowledge libraries to help your organization prepare for audits.
    • Manage controls, risks and policies in compliance and your risk programs.
    • Provide reports on the status of controls, risk and polices.

    воскресенье, 18 июля 2010 г.

    An Overview of IT Process Automation


    IT organizations are under increasing pressure to ensure high service levels and infrastructure efficiency, while lowering operating costs and adhering to best practices. As such, efforts to integrate systems and automate processes have become two key goals for IT organization professionals. Achieving these objectives means improving the level of automation within both production and operations environments.

    By increasing the levels of automation and eliminating common, repetitive tasks, companies can reduce operational costs, as well as reduce the amount of specialized staff needed to manage its systems. What’s more, highly skilled IT professionals can be freed up to manage more strategic company projects and initiatives. Although the benefits of automation meets the business objectives of reducing costs, increasing productivity, and maximizing efficiency, the number one concern of IT managers today is integration. Automation itself can be a best practice in many organizations as they struggle to manage—and integrate across—increasingly complex infrastructures, but let’s talk specifically about how automation enables best practices.

    Implementing best practices is achieved primarily by defining and automating IT operations management processes. Although most data center tools (monitoring, provisioning, virtualization, service desk, etc.) provide deep task automation within their solutions, they do not automate processes between applications, departments, or data silos. This leaves a substantial amount of manual work for IT staff. Done right, IT Process Automation (ITPA), also commonly known as Run Book Automation (RBA), can greatly expedite service management if they provide the means to integrate and orchestrate IT processes.

    Traditional Automation Methods

    Traditional automation methods, namely custom coding and scripts, are useful for running simple tasks, however, they typically lack best practices, change management, documentation, and the flexibility required in an operations environment, where business rules and configuration settings change frequently.

    Traditional automation methods, namely job schedulers, run and monitor batch jobs. Although job scheduling comprises an important function in a production-computing environment, it is not well suited to automate operational processes or run book procedures, as they provide little to no integration with surrounding systems.

    Due to the recent recognition of this market by both IT organizations and leading industry analyst firms alike, some companies have attempted to accomplish the equivalent of what is now known as ITPA, by running lengthy scripts with a job scheduler. This technique is costly, unreliable, and error-prone.

    While scripts and schedulers work well for small tasks, they can rarely scale to handle complex environments. They also lack sophisticated dependencies and reporting that allow users to keep audit trails of processes. As process requirements grow, and more functionality is added, the result is a complex mix of scripts, programs, and utilities that only a few people actually understand. More concerning is that home-grown scripts can quickly turn into a fulltime programming commitment as well as a time-consuming and costly management burden.

    Beyond Job Scheduling

    ITPA solutions include many of the features and capabilities users require in a job scheduler, while also providing more advanced functions. IT process automation software can automate any administrative,  maintenance, or business processes, such as restarting services, rotating logs, backing up data, deleting temporary files, and e-mailing files. It can also run several jobs on multiple machines, modify accounts, query databases, up load data and filter/read/send e-mail. In addition to standard enterprise requirements like load balancing, failover, failure routines, error handling, and logging, ITPA should also provide integration, orchestration, and process workflow.

    System Center and Opalis IT PRocess Automation

    System Center lowers the cost of delivering datacenter services through integrated, end-to-end management of physical and virtual environments. Through adopting System Center, customers are able to standardize their datacenter management environment for significantly lower costs than competitive solutions while implementing best practices that can deliver thousands of dollars of operational savings each year. This is delivered through simplified management of the datacenter via an integrated set of tools that automate server management and optimize the use of server and datacenter resources.

    As a part of the System Center portfolio, Opalis IT Process Automation extends automation, optimization and simplification by orchestrating and integrating System Center with non-Microsoft systems to enable interoperability across the entire datacenter. The combined offering reduces the cost of delivering and managing datacenter services by:

    Integrating System Center with Non Microsoft Tools

    Integration is a key component to IT process automation solutions, as it provides the ability to query, modify, collect, parse, and pass data between systems and products. Opalis uses data to make decisions, to dynamically configure task parameters with relevant run-time data, and to update systems such as Configuration Manager and Service Manager with process information. This gives IT organizations the ability to update one or all systems with detailed information on a process. It also ensures help desk staff, and level 1-2-3 support staff has access to problem status.

    Orchestrating System Center tools with 3rd party systems

    ITPA also requires intelligent orchestration capabilities so it can initiate actions within third party systems. The Opalis orchestration engine works in conjunction with integration capabilities to read results of these actions to determine next steps and to log/report on each step within the process. This is paramount for tracking change requests and maintenance procedures that interact with multiple systems and impact service availability.

    Automating Processes through Workflow

    Opalis workflow not only provides visual insight as to the nature of a process, it also delivers decision making logic and dependency support needed to automate complex processes.  Opalis workflow also enables branching capabilities, useful for creating incident response routines that handle a range of errors and conditions. The main workflow can define the expected process, while branches are used for exception cases, error handling and escalation routines.

    Opalis Integration Pack for VMware vSphere 6.30

    Released: 12/21/2009
    © Copyright Opalis Software Inc., 2009. All rights reserved. This file contains information that supplements Opalis Integration Pack for VMware vSphere 6.30.



    The Opalis Integration Pack for VMware vSphere is an add-on for Opalis Integration Server that enables you to build Policies that manage vSphere operations.


    • Start VM
    • Stop VM
    • Reset VM
    • Suspend VM
    • Get VM Status
    • Get VM List
    • Get VM Properties
    • Get Resource Pools
    • Get Resource Pool Runtime Information
    • Get Hosts
    • Get Datastore Capacity
    • Get Cluster Properties


    • Set VM Networks
    • Move VM
    • Migrate VM
    • Delete VM
    • Set VM Properties


    • Take VM Snapshot
    • Revert VM Snapshot
    • Add VM Disk
    • Add Network Adapter


    • Clone Linux VM
    • Clone Windows VM
    • Create VM
    • Customize VM
    • Reconfigure VM
    • Reconfigure ISO CDROM

    Fixes and Enhancements

    ADDED: Compatibility with OIS 6.2.2

    System Requirements

    No additional requirements

    Integration Target Compatiibility

    VMware vSphere 4.0
    VMware VI 3.5

    Operating Systems

    Microsoft Windows Server 2003 x86 Editions
    - with Service Pack 1
    - with Service Pack 2

    Integration Platform Compatiibility

    Opalis Integration Server 5.52, 5.6, 5.6.1, 5.6.2, 6.0, 6.1, 6.2, and 6.2.2

    Operating Systems

    Microsoft Windows Server 2003 x86 Editions
    - with Service Pack 1
    - with Service Pack 2


    Please see the Deploying Integration Packs and Hotfixes section in Opalis Integration Server Adminisrator Guide for instructions on registration and deployment of Integration Packs.

    Posted via email from contributor's posterous

    Opalis Integration Pack for Veritas NetBackup 6.14

    Released: 12/21/2009
    © Copyright Opalis Software Inc., 2009. All rights reserved. This file contains information that supplements Opalis Integration Pack for Veritas NetBackup 6.14.



    The Opalis Integration Pack for VERITAS NetBackup is an add-on for Opalis Integration Server that enables you to build Policies that manage VERITAS NetBackup operations.

    Using the Opalis Integration Pack for VERITAS NetBackup objects along with other Opalis Integration Server objects, you can integrate the repetitive pre and post actions with the backup action itself. The NetBackup IP enables you to automate manual processes around backup jobs and to build policies that incorporate backup processes and activities into enterprise overall IT process. The Opalis Integration Pack for VERITAS NetBackup allows you to mine the resulting information of the backup to create automated decisions or notifications that enable you to stay compliant and have a finger on the pulse of your backup processes.

    Fixes and Enhancements

    ADDED: Compatibility with OIS 6.2

    System Requirements

    VERITAS NetBackup Client and SSH daemon must be installed on all client system. Create a user schedule on the Veritas NetBackup Master Server that corresponds to the client computer before using the Start User Backup object and Restore Backup.

    NetBackup server needs to be running an SSH daemon for Start Policy Backup. Credentials used in the IP for Policy Backup must specify an administrator who can SSH into the machine access the command line interface for Veritas NetBackup.

    Microsoft .NET 2.0 Framework must be installed on each Action Server and Client where the Integration Pack is deployed.

    Integration Target Compatiibility

    VERITAS NetBackup Server 6.5

    Operating Systems

    Sun Solaris 10
    Microsoft Windows Server 2003 x86 Editions
    - with Service Pack 2

    Integration Platform Compatiibility

    Opalis Integration Server 5.52, 5.6, 5.6.1, 5.6.2, 6.0, 6.1, 6.2, and 6.2.2

    Operating Systems

    Microsoft Windows Server 2003 x86 Editions
    - with Service Pack 1
    - with Service Pack 2


    Please see the Deploying Integration Packs and Hotfixes section in Opalis Integration Server Adminisrator Guide for instructions on registration and deployment of Integration Packs.

    Posted via email from contributor's posterous

    Opalis Integration Pack for Microsoft Systems Management Server 5.12

    Released: 12/21/2009
    © Copyright Opalis Software Inc., 2009. All rights reserved. This file contains information that supplements Opalis Integration Pack for Microsoft Systems Management Server 5.12.



    The Opalis Integration Pack for Microsoft SMS is an add-on for Opalis Integration Server that enables you to build Policies that manage Microsoft SMS operations.

    The Integration Pack for Microsoft SMS provides the ability to connect Opalis Integration Server to your SMS server to publish advertisements as part of your Policies. Automating SMS advertisements with the Integration Pack for Microsoft SMS is the best way to maximize the effectiveness of your maintenance window.

    Fixes and Enhancements

    ADDED: Compatibility with OIS 6.2

    System Requirements

    No additional requirements

    Integration Target Compatiibility

    Microsoft Systems Management Server 2003

    Operating Systems

    Microsoft Windows Server 2003 x86 Editions
    - with Service Pack 1
    - with Service Pack 2

    Integration Platform Compatiibility

    Opalis Integration Server 5.52, 5.6, 5.6.1, 5.6.2, 6.0, 6.1, 6.2, and 6.2.2

    Operating Systems

    Microsoft Windows Server 2003 x86 Editions
    - with Service Pack 1
    - with Service Pack 2


    Please see the Deploying Integration Packs and Hotfixes section in Opalis Integration Server Adminisrator Guide for instructions on registration and deployment of Integration Packs.

    Posted via email from contributor's posterous

    Opalis Integration Pack for Microsoft SC Operations Manager 2007 5.53

    Released: 12/21/2009
    © Copyright Opalis Software Inc., 2009. All rights reserved. This file contains information that supplements Opalis Integration Pack for Microsoft SC Operations Manager 2007 5.53.



    The Opalis Integration Pack for Microsoft System Center Operations Manager 2007 enables you to connect Opalis Integration Server to your System Center Operations Manager server to automate actions in response to alerts that are raised by System Center Operations Manager.

    Fixes and Enhancements

    ADDED: Compatibility with OIS 6.2

    System Requirements

    The Opalis Integration Pack for Microsoft System Center Operations Manager 2007 requires the following:

    • This Integration Pack can only be installed, registered and deployed on computers running Microsoft Windows Server 2003 because Microsoft .NET 3.0 Framework does not support computers running Microsoft Windows 2000.
    • Microsoft .NET 3.0 Framework.
    • The System Center Operations Manager Console must be installed on each computer where an Opalis Action Server or Opalis Client is installed, if the Action Server or Client interact with System Center Operations Manager.
    • The Opalis Integration Library Management Pack is required by the Create Alert object. It is automatically installed in System Center Operations Manager by the Create Alert object the first time it is run. If you uninstall this Integration Pack, you must also remove the Opalis Integration Library Management Pack from System Center Operations Manager.

    Integration Target Compatiibility

    Microsoft System Center Operations Manager 2007 and 2007 R2

    Operating Systems

    Microsoft Windows Server 2003 x86 Editions
    - with Service Pack 1
    - with Service Pack 2

    Integration Platform Compatiibility

    Opalis Integration Server 5.52, 5.6, 5.6.1, 5.6.2, 6.0, 6.1, 6.2, and 6.2.2

    Operating Systems

    Microsoft Windows Server 2003 x86 Editions
    - with Service Pack 1
    - with Service Pack 2


    Please see the Deploying Integration Packs and Hotfixes section in Opalis Integration Server Adminisrator Guide for instructions on registration and deployment of Integration Packs.

    Posted via email from contributor's posterous

    Opalis Integration Pack for Microsoft Operations Manager 5.12

    Released: 12/21/2009
    © Copyright Opalis Software Inc., 2009. All rights reserved. This file contains information that supplements Opalis Integration Pack for Microsoft Operations Manager 5.12.



    The Opalis Integration Pack for Microsoft Operations Manager is an add-on for Opalis Integration Server that enables you to build Policies that manage Microsoft Operations Manager operations.

    The Integration Pack for Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM) 2005 enables you to connect Opalis Integration Server to your MOM 2005 server to automate actions in response to alerts that are raised within MOM.

    Fixes and Enhancements

    ADDED: Compatibility with OIS 6.2

    System Requirements

    • .NET 1.1 Framework or higher installed on the MOM 2005 server.
    • MOM Connector Framework installed on the MOM 2005 server.
    • The Opalis MOM 2005 Connector Service installed on the MOM 2005 server.

    Integration Target Compatiibility

    Microsoft Operations Manager 2005

    Operating Systems

    Microsoft Windows Server 2003 x86 Editions
    - with Service Pack 1
    - with Service Pack 2

    Integration Platform Compatiibility

    Opalis Integration Server 5.52, 5.6, 5.6.1, 5.6.2, 6.0, 6.1, 6.2, and 6.2.2

    Operating Systems

    Microsoft Windows Server 2003 x86 Editions
    - with Service Pack 1
    - with Service Pack 2


    Please see the Deploying Integration Packs and Hotfixes section in Opalis Integration Server Adminisrator Guide for instructions on registration and deployment of Integration Packs.

    Posted via email from contributor's posterous

    Opalis Integration Pack for Microsoft Active Directory 6.10

    Released: 12/21/2009
    © Copyright Opalis Software Inc., 2009. All rights reserved. This file contains information that supplements Opalis Integration Pack for Microsoft Active Directory 6.10.



    The Opalis Integration Pack for MS Active Directory enables you to create, monitor, and manage active directory objects.
    The Opalis Integration Pack for Active Directory takes advantage of the flexibility and power of Windows PowerShell and Quest Active Roles Cmdlets to execute automation requests against virtually any AD defined object for over 30 out of the box automation commands. It employs full use of Boolean, Identity and Rights parameters and can manage password, permissions and security settings.

    This Integration Pack adds the following objects to Opalis Integration Server:

    • Run Command driver object
    • Add Computer to Group
    • Add User to Group
    • Create Computer
    • Create User
    • Delete Computer
    • Delete User
    • Disable User
    • Enable User
    • Get Computer
    • Get Group
    • Get User
    • Move Computer
    • Move User
    • Remove Computer from Group
    • Remove User from Group
    • Reset User Password
    • Unlock User
    • Update Computer
    • Update User

    Fixes and Enhancements

    ADDED: Compatibility with OIS 6.2

    System Requirements

    Microsoft .NET 3.5 Framework
    Windows PowerShell 1.0
    Integration Pack for Microsoft Active Directory requires current Quest Powershell Commands (1.2) 32-bit to be installed on the Opalis Action Server. Quest PowerShell Commands for Active Directory can be obtained from Quest Software website at http://www.quest.com/powershell/activeroles-server.aspx . More information about Quest PowerShell Commands for Active Directory can be found from the Administrator’s guide at http://www.quest.com/QuestWebPowershellCmdletDwnldARS

    The following commands can only be run on Windows 2008

    Integration Target Compatiibility

    Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Domain
    Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Domain

    Operating Systems

    Microsoft Windows Server 2003 x86 Editions
    - with Service Pack 1
    - with Service Pack 2
    Microsoft Windows Server 2008 32-bit

    Integration Platform Compatiibility

    Opalis Integration Server 5.52, 5.6, 5.6.1, 5.6.2, 6.0, 6.1, 6.2, and 6.2.2

    Operating Systems

    Microsoft Windows Server 2003 x86 Editions
    - with Service Pack 1
    - with Service Pack 2


    Please see the Deploying Integration Packs and Hotfixes section in Opalis Integration Server Adminisrator Guide for instructions on registration and deployment of Integration Packs.

    Posted via email from contributor's posterous

    Opalis Integration Pack for IBM Tivoli Storage Manager 5.20

    Released: 12/21/2009
    © Copyright Opalis Software Inc., 2009. All rights reserved. This file contains information that supplements Opalis Integration Pack for IBM Tivoli Storage Manager 5.20.



    The Opalis Integration Pack for IBM Tivoli Storage Manager is an add-on for Opalis Integration Server that enables you to build Policies that manage IBM Tivoli Storage Manager operations.

    Backup and archive operations are an essential part of an effective disaster recovery and data protection strategy. They are also useful for storing data for long periods as required by legislation. However, they can require hands-on labor to ensure that tasks are run at times when most users are not working with the files that they want backed up, and other reasons. Assigning staff to manage these situations takes them away from other, more important projects.

    Fixes and Enhancements

    UPDATED: Installation procedure and system requirements

    System Requirements

    The TSM Client and the Administrative Command Line must be installed on the same computer as the Action Server and on each computer where there is an Opalis Integration Server Client.

    Any computer that you want to back up or archive from must have the TSM Backup Client installed and configured to communicate with the TSM Server.

    Configure the TSM Administrative Console authentication

    Integration Target Compatiibility

    IBM Tivoli Storage Manager 5.5

    Operating Systems

    Microsoft Windows Server 2003 x86 Editions
    - with Service Pack 1
    - with Service Pack 2

    Integration Platform Compatiibility

    Opalis Integration Server 5.52, 5.6, 5.6.1, 5.6.2, 6.0, 6.1, 6.2, and 6.2.2

    Operating Systems

    Microsoft Windows Server 2003 x86 Editions
    - with Service Pack 1
    - with Service Pack 2


    1. Deploy the Integration Pack to the Action Servers and Clients that will use the Integration Pack. For more information about deploying Integration Packs, see the Opalis Integration Server Administrator Guide.
    2. Download jconnect 6 at the following link http://www.sybase.com/products/allproductsa-z/softwaredeveloperkit/jconnect. You must perform a free registration step and download the latest Maintenance/EBF of jconnect 6.
    3. Decompress the package that you downloaded and find the jconn3.jar file included in the archive.
    4. Copy jconn3.jar to the \Program Files\Common Files\Opalis Software\Opalis Integration Server\Extensions\Support\NetcoolOmnibus folder on all the Action Servers and Clients.

    Posted via email from contributor's posterous

    Opalis Integration Pack for IBM Tivoli Netcool Omnibus 5.41

    Released: 12/21/2009
    © Copyright Opalis Software Inc., 2009. All rights reserved. This file contains information that supplements Opalis Integration Pack for IBM Tivoli Netcool Omnibus 5.41.



    The Opalis Integration Pack for IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus enables you to connect Opalis Integration Server to your IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus server to automate actions in response to alerts that are raised within IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus.

    Fixes and Enhancements

    UPDATED: Installation procedure and system requirements

    System Requirements

    • Java Standard Edition 5 or 6 must be installed on each Action Server machine where the Integration Pack will be deployed BEFORE you deploy the Integration Pack. If you deploy the Integration Pack before you install Java Standard Edition 5 or 6, you must manually add the location of the JVM.DLL file to the PATH environment variable.
    • Jconnect library has to be installed on all Action Servers and Clients. See Installation Instructions

    Integration Target Compatiibility

    IBM Tivoli Netcool OMNIbus 7.1

    Operating Systems

    Microsoft Windows Server 2003 x86 Editions
    - with Service Pack 1
    - with Service Pack 2

    Integration Platform Compatiibility

    Opalis Integration Server 5.52, 5.6, 5.6.1, 5.6.2, 6.0, 6.1, 6.2, and 6.2.2

    Operating Systems

    Microsoft Windows Server 2003 x86 Editions
    - with Service Pack 1
    - with Service Pack 2


    Please see the Deploying Integration Packs and Hotfixes section in Opalis Integration Server Adminisrator Guide for instructions on registration and deployment of Integration Packs.

    Posted via email from contributor's posterous

    Opalis Integration Pack for IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console 5.50

    Released: 12/21/2009
    © Copyright Opalis Software Inc., 2009. All rights reserved. This file contains information that supplements Opalis Integration Pack for IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console 5.50.



    The Opalis Integration Pack for IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console is an add-on for Opalis Integration Server that enables you to build Policies that manage IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console operations.

    The Opalis Integration Pack for IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console enables you to incorporate Tivoli Enterprise Console tasks into automated maintenance procedures, diagnostics, and corrective actions to increase application performance and availability.

    Fixes and Enhancements

    UPDATED: Installation procedure and system requirements

    System Requirements

    • Tivoli Management Framework 4.1.1 installed on Tivoli Enterprise Console Server
    • Opalis Rule Based must be installed on Tivoli Enterprise Console.
    • Oracle 9i Client (Oracle Windows Interfaces) must be installed on all Action Servers where the Integration Pack is deployed (Oracle only).
    • Postzmsg.exe file has to be installed on all Action Servers and Clients. See Installation Instructions

    Integration Target Compatiibility

    Tivoli Enterprise Console 3.9.0 with Fix Pack 3.

    Operating Systems

    Microsoft Windows 2000 Server
    Microsoft Windows Server 2003 x86 Editions
    - with Service Pack 1
    - with Service Pack 2
    Sun Solaris 9
    Microsoft SQL Server 2000 (Windows only)
    Microsoft SQL Server 2005 (Windows only)
    Oracle 9i (Solaris 9 only)

    Integration Platform Compatiibility

    Opalis Integration Server 5.52, 5.6, 5.6.1, 5.6.2, 6.0, 6.1, 6.2, and 6.2.2

    Operating Systems

    Microsoft Windows Server 2003 x86 Editions
    - with Service Pack 1
    - with Service Pack 2


    To install this Integration Pack, you must perform the following steps:

    1. Install the Opalis Rule Base on Tivoli Enterprise Console. For more information, see:
    2. Install the Oracle Client (if required).
    3. Deploy the Integration Pack to the Action Servers and Clients that will use the Integration Pack. For more information about deploying Integration Packs, see the Opalis Integration Server Administrator Guide.
    4. Find postzmsg.exe in the installation folder of your IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console system.
    5. Copy postzmsg.exe to Program Files\Common Files\Opalis Software\Opalis Integration Server\Extensions\Support\TEC on all Action Servers and Clients that will be using the Integration Pack.

    Posted via email from contributor's posterous

    Opalis Integration Pack for HP Service Manager 5.10

    Released: 12/21/2009
    © Copyright Opalis Software Inc., 2009. All rights reserved. This file contains information that supplements Opalis Integration Pack for HP Service Manager 5.10.



    The Opalis Integration Pack for HP Service Manager 7 enables you to create, monitor, and manage entries in HP Service Manager. This includes manipulation of Change, Incident, and Service Desk entries.

    This Integration Pack adds the following objects to Opalis Integration Server:

    • Monitor Entry
    • Create Entry
    • Close Entry
    • Update Entry
    • Get Entry

    For more information about these objects, please refer to the Integration Pack Online Help

    Fixes and Enhancements

    ADDED: Compatibility with OIS 6.2

    System Requirements

    For both 6.2 and 7.0 you will need a separate license in order to use the web services. Both 6.2 and 7.0 require the SOAP API capability word assigned to the user used in the IP.

    ODBC configuration (System DSN) is required Client only (optional on action servers)

    Integration Target Compatiibility

    HP ServiceCenter 6.2 and 7.0

    Operating Systems

    Microsoft Windows Server 2003 x86 Editions
    - with Service Pack 1
    - with Service Pack 2

    Integration Platform Compatiibility

    Opalis Integration Server 5.52, 5.6, 5.6.1, 5.6.2, 6.0, 6.1, 6.2, and 6.2.2

    Operating Systems

    Microsoft Windows Server 2003 x86 Editions
    - with Service Pack 1
    - with Service Pack 2


    Please see the Deploying Integration Packs and Hotfixes section in Opalis Integration Server Adminisrator Guide for instructions on registration and deployment of Integration Packs.

    Posted via email from contributor's posterous